For two days, Hamburg is all about sustainability: at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference (HSC) taking place in Hamburg City Hall, the future is on the agenda. In numerous events, many participants from all over the world discuss how a fair and sustainable future is possible in a globalised world.
Opening 2024
The conference was opened by German Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz and Hamburg's First Mayor Peter Tschentscher as well as the head of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Achim Steiner. Participants from over 100 countries were represented at the conference, including the President of Namibia, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, the Prime Minister of Barbados, the President of the World Bank, the Chadian civil rights activist and representative of the indigenous peoples Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim and the Kenyan activist Mercy Mutana.
Tackling Future Problems
The aim of the HSC is to develop initiatives to achieve more rapid implementation of the sustainability goals adopted by the United Nations. As an independent forum for discussion and the exchange of experiences, the Hamburg Sustainability Conference provides the perfect setting. The HSC also opens up spaces for new concepts, ideas and initiatives, as well as for alliances, partnerships and cooperation.
Among the topics during the two days in Hamburg were:
- How can shipping corridors be created and supplied with green hydrogen to enable CO2-neutral shipping?
- How can batteries, which are the key to climate protection, be produced with sustainably sourced materials?
- How can international financial structures be reformed to support all countries in achieving sustainable development?
- How can we better utilise the potential of the private sector and civil society stakeholders to achieve the global sustainability goals?
- And what guidelines can politics establish to enable today's sustainability pioneers to set tomorrow's standards?
Dates 2025
Further Information
See here for more information on the conference programme, including an overview of the speakers:
There are livestreams for selected sessions on the HSC homepage.
A public programme aimed at residents and visitors of Hamburg complements the HSC. More information at