Business Economic Clusters
Economic Clusters


When it comes to healthcare, Hamburg boasts research facilities, hospitals and networks of practices in a wide range of medical fields.

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imago stock & people / Westend61

With an internationally renowned system of doctors and hospitals as well as a nearly unmatched density of medical practices, Hamburg is among Europe's leading cities in the healthcare industry. More than 160,000 people and counting work in Hamburg's healthcare sector. The metropolitan region includes a total of 79 hospitals, many of which are internationally-renowned specialists' clinics.

With so much expert knowledge gathered in this region, there is need for a governing body to further professional exchange and promote the city’s healthcare interests. The Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH (GWHH) is responsible for managing the healthcare cluster. As a subsidiary of both the city of Hamburg and the Chamber of Commerce, the initiative teamed up with the Gesundheitsmetropole Hamburg association to attract even more experts to the city.

The healthcare sector takes an interdisciplinary approach (for example, by working in cooperation with the life science sector) to maximizing growth potential, employment and quality.