Business AI in Hamburg
Artificial Intelligence

AI in Hamburg

AI is already firmly established in science institutes and businesses in Hamburg. Reason enough to benefit from this network with your own companies.

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The German federal states have developed strategic goals for the implementation of AI technology in the future. Hamburg plays a key role in this strategy. For example, Hamburg cooperates with northern German AI institutes in the city of Bremen and the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein on the KI-Sigs project, whose goal is to set up an AI space for intelligent healthcare systems.

European AI hubs

In addition, Hamburg promotes the establishment of various AI hubs that bundle together the AI ​​know-how distributed in the metropolitan region. 

‘The future topic of AI prepares the ground for the innovative ability and competitiveness of our companies. The strengthening and promotion of this potential is therefore of central importance for Hamburg,’ proclaimed Hamburg's Senator for Economics and Innovation, Michael Westhagemann, in 2019 on the occasion of the founding of the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg e.V. (ARIC)

Just one year after its foundation, the AI ​​hub has already opened subsidiary offices in other European AI hotspots, such as the Czech Republic and Estonia.

Initiative and offers of support

AI.HAMBURG is inspired by the technological developments in China and the USA. Launched in 2019, their goal is to combine these developments with European know-how. The AI.HAMBURG initiative works together with the Hamburg@work digital network, TUTECH, Hamburg universities, and city partners to promote knowledge and the widespread use of AI in businesses all around the Hamburg metropolitan region.

AI in the health industry

A central platform for companies that specialise in AI-based health solutions is the Health AI Hub Hamburg. Here, young startups can find support with setting up and developing their business ideas. 

Hamburg startups utilising AI include Darvis, which is dedicated to optimising safety and processes in hospitals using AI, or the team of jung diagnostics, who specialise in computer-aided analyses of neuro-radiological data. Another medical company paving the way for medical revolutions is the Health Innovation Port on the Philips campus in Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel.