Business AI in Hamburg
Futuristic image composition of black and blue shapes mixed with white zeroes and ones.

AI in Hamburg

Hamburg is the perfect location for research institutes and businesses in the development of artificial intelligence.

AI in Hamburg

Imago / YAY Images

What Is AI?

AI combines scientific insights in the fields of automation and machine learning to help solve humanity's big...

Imago / YAY Images
Artificial Intelligence

AI in Germany

AI is not only a topic for scientists in futuristic laboratories: this exciting field already holds serious...

Imago / YAY Images
Artificial Intelligence

AI in Hamburg

That AI is already firmly established in science institutes and businesses in Hamburg is reason enough for your...

Imago / Shotshop

Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg

Hamburg has a new hub for anyone interested in AI-related technology: the ARIC Hamburg combines research...

Further Information

Mediaserver Hamburg/Geheimtipp Hamburg
Hamburg Business

Artificial Intelligence

AI expertise from business and science comes together in Hamburg. We are an AI centre and model region for AI startups. Find out what's going on in Hamburg in the field of artificial intelligence.