
Broadcasting Licence Fee

The broadcasting licence fee finances the diverse programmes of the public broadcasters and is mandatory for every household in Germany.

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What is the fee for?

Every household and office in Germany is required by law to pay a monthly license fee, known as the "Rundfunkbeitrag". This fee helps finance public broadcasting programs on television, radio and the Internet such as ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio.

How much is the fee?

The fee is currently €18.36 per month and is mandatory for all persons with a registered address in Germany. The total amount for three months is paid quarterly (€55.08). You can choose whether to transfer the fee manually or have it automatically debited from your account.

When do I have to pay?

One fee is paid per household and applies regardless of how many TVs or radios you have. It is irrelevant whether or not you ever use public broadcasting channels. This means:

  • 1 person in a flat/apartment = 1 broadcasting fee
  • 1 family in a flat/apartment = 1 broadcasting fee
  • 1 flat/apartment sharing community = 1 broadcasting fee

After registering your residence, you will receive an invoice from the contribution service (Beitragsservice) within a few weeks.

The contribution system provides relief to people who receive income-dependent state social benefits. They can apply for an exemption.People with disabilities pay a reduced contribution.

Further information can be found on the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio contribution service website.